If you are having trouble viewing your video, there are a few things you can try:
- Play the video streams one at a time: Click “Video 1” or “Video 2” instead of “View Encounter Videos”. This will significantly decrease the required bandwidth.
- While the video is playing, right click the playback window and click “Settings” from the menu that appears.
- Adjust the “Local Storage” slider to the far-right (Unlimited). On the first tab at the bottom of this same window, uncheck “Enable hardware acceleration” (see image below).
- Connect to the Vanderbilt network through VPN: https://it.vanderbilt.edu/security/secure-communications/remote-access/index.php
Sometimes a direct pathway to the Vanderbilt network can help with routing issues.
If you continue to have issues, please contact:
Mujtaba Mir
(615) 875-9944